Frank Ball
Founding Partner

Frank has co-founded four businesses and was a member of the management team that took a local start-up business through an IPO in 2007. He holds degrees from Davidson College and George Washington University and is an adjunct faculty member at Georgetown University's Institute for Transformational Leadership. He currently serves on the boards of the American Public University System, ARCSys and Analytic Advantage Inc. 

Jeremy Bauman
Managing Director

Jeremy manages New Dominion and also works with the Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation practice at the World Bank Group developing access to finance solutions for entrepreneurs in emerging markets, including angel investing. He has worked with a large consumer products company and education technology startups. He graduated from Kenyon College and holds an International MBA from the University of South Carolina.

Mike McGinley
Founding Partner

Mike is a Co-Founder of New Dominion Angels and Managing Partner of Element North, an executive coaching and leadership development firm. He is a former corporate executive with Capital One, Johnson & Johnson, and Bank of America.  Mike serves as Co-Director of the Leadership Coaching program at Georgetown University. He holds an MBA from The University of Virginia and a BS in Finance from California State University, Northridge.

Natalie Stephenson
Membership Director